Heritage of the Brenzovich Surname

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Ruthenia - Brenzovich Homeland
View from Uzok/Uzsok, Subcarpathian Oblast, Ukrinne. Enlarge, click on picture

Ruthenia - Brenzovich Homeland
View from Uzok/Uzsok, Subcarpathian Oblast, Ukraine. Enlarge, click on picture
     As I was growing up I gave little thought to my heritage or ethnic background.  I knew my surname was of Slavic origins and my father was Russian, Czech or some thing like that and my mother was Polish.  After becoming involved in genealogy, I began to learn more about my families roots, and the fact that there was more to the Brenzovich surname than just being of Slavic origin.  First, I found that the heritage of the Brenzovich surname makes us members of a little known but distinctive ethinic group of people within the Slavic family.  I grew up thinking the ethnic origin of the Brenzovich surname was Russian, or Czech and even Slovakian.  But I've learned that the Brenzovich roots go back to the Carpathian Mountains of East-Central Europe and a region once called Ruthenia (pronounced Roothn) also called Carpathian Rus'.  The people were called Rusyns or Carpatho-Rusyns (pronounced Kar-PAY-tho ROOS-in).  Today the land of the Carpatho-Rusyns is divided between Poland, Slovakia and the Ukraine.    
Geographic Location of Ruthenia/Carpathia Rus'
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Uzh/Ung County Emblem
Kingdom of Hungary
     Ruthenia or Carpathian Rus' as it was also called, encompasses the territory located along the southern and in part, the northern slopes of the Carpathian Mountians.  It formed the north-eastern border of the Hungarian Kingdom/Austria-Hungary Empire from the 12 century until 1920.  The area that comprised then the county of Uzh [R]/Ung [H] within the Kingdom of Hungary is the ancestral homeland of the Brenzovich surname.
     In my research I found many spelling variations of the Brenzovich surname.  These spellings come from vaious officialdocuments and most likely the result of mis-pronunciation and the translation between the Cyrillic and Latin alphabets.  It is important to note, that the spellings are not far off from what I consider the original name spelling BRENZOVICZ.  This is the oldest spelling variation that I have found, dating back to July 1662.  The most common spelling that I have found is BRENZOVICS.